Thursday 23 May 2024

Context of Shakespearean Drama

In Shakespeare's time (1564-1616), he wrote 38 plays that were all about various things, each one of them different from one another. He was alive during the Elizabethan era and the plays he wrote were set in the same time so his plays were similar to what was going on in his era and in England. It was an age of learning and Shakespeare had a lot of new ideas, he put his ideas into his plays so his audience could experience his concepts. Everyone was welcome at his shows; it ranged from poor working people to royalty and nobles. He added in humor and dirty jokes for the working class and more poems and classy bits for the royalty and higher class people. His plays weren't only in theatres, they were in places like outside, some performances were in nobles' houses and royal palaces.         

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Not the Ninja Turtles!


In english we are learning about shakespeare and about different types of artists we have made a slide show about all these different artists thart is mine