Friday 10 November 2023

power to the people

for the last bit of this term we have been working in a group on a project Power To The People this is

english social studies and science put together this allows us to be able to work in a group and work with

people we think we work well with while coming up with a project that combines all of the 3 subjects in our

groups question is How sustainable are heat pumps for Otaki college rather than radiators. our goal by the end

of PTTP is to hopefully get a heat pump in each of the classes and get rid of radiators. our group seems to be

working really well together so far and hopefully it stays like that.

1. What have you achieved/learned/found out since your last post?

taking notes during our interview. booking interviews as a group is working well. I have been learning how to work better in a group and trying to stay focused on my work, we have found out heaps about radiators and heat pumps and a heaps about how the government wants to try get rid of gas (fossil fuels). 

2. How effectively have you used your time this week?

I think that we have used our time very well this week by making time for our interviews with Brent Ian and Colin and getting our work done then talking about what we want to have achieved by the end of class and getting it done. I think we are going well for time wise. 

3. How have you contributed to your group’s progress?

I took heaps of notes from our interview with Brent and help making sure all of our work sheets are done also being apart of all of the daily updates on our vlog.  we all have helped by doing our project proposal and making down what we think we would be at like for strengths and weaknesses then making sure everyone has a task and what task everyone would want to be doing then we check with each other to make sure we all agree.  

4. Glows: something that is going well in your project:

the interviews and getting what we need to put it all together and our vlog of updates (what we do everyday) everyone seems to be getting along good no disagreements yet. 

5. Grows: Something you need to work on:

I need to work on being more focused. also making sure everyone in the group knows what I am working on and not doing stuff thats not related to what I'm meant to be doing, also asking for tasks to do and or asking if anyone needs help with what they are doing. 

6. Where could you get help with this? 

by asking my group questions and communicating with them more to make sure we are all on the same page 

7. What are the next steps for your project?

doing our final interview with Ian and then working out how we are going to put all of our information into a project. we now also need to work on how we are going to be presenting everything and making sure everyone is confident on presenting night.

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