Thursday 16 November 2023

Power To The People (2)


This week my group has had an interview with Ian and Colin I wasn't able to make this interview but I have read through all the Q&A'S by the looks of our documents we got most of the responses  we needed our group could probably done more work this week I don't think that I used my very well but I am going to work on this for next week. my next steps for moving forward is going to be more involved in our group and not just going around the class talking with people. 

1. What have you achieved/learned/found out since your last post?

since my last post on here I have found out that the school has 2 or more radiators in each class room and that

there are around 90 radiators in the school at the moment. We have also found out that it is for the best if Ōtaki

college to get heat pumps for each class.

2. How effectively have you used your time this week?
I personally don't think I used my time very well this week and will ned to work on it for next week.

3. How have you contributed to your group’s progress?
this week I had missed monday and that was the day of the interview with Ian and Colin so I missed a lot of
the conversations about our next steps moving forward.

4. Glows: something that is going well in your project:
I think something that is going really well that I thought might have been a problem is everyone working well
together and not really disagreeing on anything only small things but we sorted them all out.

5. Grows: Something you need to work on:
something us as a group and me personally that we need to work on is staying focused on our task and sitting
where we are meant to be not at other groups.

6. Where could you get help with this?
just by making sure we all are in the right place by everyone making sure they are sitting in the right spot.

7. What are the next steps for your project?
our next steps moving forward is going to be getting the materials to put the last little bit together and then we will
be all finished. we also need to finish our vlog.

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